There's just one thing i wish i can never get used to..that is being away from my boyfriend. It SUCKS BIG TIME. I could dedicate this entire entry with 101 reasons why I hate it so much but i don't want to come across as a whiney love-sick bimbo so i shall resist it.
But i stumbled across a pleasant surprise on his reverbnation page. He is blogging again :) x 1000000000
Though it's like just tidbits of his daily life, probably for his fans....i still love reading them. I remember how i used to 'stalk' him on his old blog posts when we first got together. I just wanted to know every detail about his past, his thoughts...whatever. I'm an inquisitor, heh. A biased one :)
With Bee away again (and more for the coming weeks), I have lots of alone time on my hands, probably a good time to catch up with some of my closer friends. Mah jong, anyone? hee. Gimme a buzz and i'll gladly oblige. But in case you assume i have an empty to-do list, I DON'T. I'm packing it up with work. Oh, in case you still don't know (cus I never tell you), i'm already working on my own (with bee). So i'm no longer a (not even 9 to 5) 8.30 to 5.30 slave, and I wake up to sunshine on my face every morning :D Life is beautiful....and i have so much more room to breathe :)
This year seems to be a popular year to get hitched. Seems like most people around me are getting married (GGAAAHH). From ex colleagues to colleagues to friends..... Just attended 2 weddings in one day last Sunday. Luckily one's in the afternoon (colleague) and the other at night (Rachel). I think i'm a total sucker for such occasions cus everytime i watch those wedding videos I get all emotional. always. absolutely embarrassing i know cus It doesn't even concern me. lol. But attending Rachel's wedding at the Fullerton, it was just so beautiful. Everything was perfect that night...of cus the bride and groom were beaming with bliss. They must be so excited about their brand new life together, a happily ever after journey towards something we affectionally know as forever.
with bee at Rach & Bryan's wedding. |
And going to weddings actually gives people a lot to think about. It's not only serious because it's legally binding, but it means so much more. You cannot just walk out and abandon each other over momentary upsets, you cannot flippantly mention breakups or hurl hurtful words just to get your point across because you vowed on your wedding day to honour every word you promised to have this person with you for the rest of your life. You have chosen and made your choice because you love this person so much you cannot bear to live without, and so you have to work hard everyday to accommodate and compromise to every little flaw you find in him. And in the process, both of you grow together and in happier times, start a family of your own..and so a new phase of your lives begin. It's not so easy i know, this is an ideal many wedded couples are struggling to achieve... but i know for me, I'd fight to make things work even though i'm hardly close to having the sweetest temperament around. Pride gets in the away but Love conquers all. cheesy right? haha..
If you think about it, when people fight they can't think. Much as you will beg to differ, be it over big or small issues. People forget why they chose each other, all the happy times they had and still could possibly have. Take a step back even if you know you're right; accept your mistakes (i'm a sucker at that but working on it :P); put yourselves in each other's shoes for a bit...and remind yourself that it's not worth it because at the end of the day......
Love makes you want to give in and give chances. i'll always believe that :P
Having been to so many weddings, i really wonder if I'd be smiling from ear to ear on my own wedding day or cry up a storm everytime someone comes up to congratulate me. One thing i know for sure, I will definitely not survive the wedding vows part. At least not for now... haha. That being said i hope it's a really intimate affair, cus I wouldn't want strangers or aquaintances judging my smudged make-up :P Just a random food for thought. hehehe.
On a more disturbing note, i spent the weekend shopping in town with Fefe for her office clothes (she just got an internship with DHL). We ended up buying a shit-lot of nonsense and i think the swiping almost set the credit card on fire. Well, thanks to THIS:
A $700+ KITCHEN AID. And so we lugged this 7kg metal from CK Tang to ION.
Fefe, explain your sick face because i don't understand. who in the world requests for a KITCHEN AID for their 21st?!
But after doing the math, i think it actually makes sense compared to the numerous useless things i bought throughout the year that doesn't contribute to quantifiable value in my life --- yes, this is justified. |
oh, and there. we bought everything but office clothes :D
next entry .... USS POST! stay tuned :) |