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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

working with the boyfriend

We are all too familiar with the challenges as couples, whether or not you are attached. Deny all you want that the 'Honeymoon period' is all but an excuse for the lack of effort in a relationship but it's really not. I'm not advocating that your romance dies right then and there beyond 3 can never put a number to it... besides, different couple, different story. But by inviting 'business' to the party just brings it to a whole different level, I promise you. 

Before you imagine that my relationship is flashing red, it's not. Just another of my mid-day musing (:

I've been riding on this exhilarating up and down roller-coaster entrepreneurial road with the boyfriend since last year. When it comes to ups and downs, it can literally mean taking bottomless dips at certain points. Maybe you understand, maybe you don't. It goes beyond trivial bickers. In tough times, arguments can get personal...and nasty. Every couple who works together gets there eventually, like it or not. We cannot seem to differentiate our roles as partners and lovers, we simply forget we rely on each other not just professionally but emotionally too. 

It doesn't help with a Success story like Donald Trump confirming the fact that 'pretty soon you don't feel the same about your wife when she's the same person you deal with in the day and back home'. Not making me feel any better about our future - at all.

But then again, which relationship is a bed of roses? Hardly.

It all starts with putting the 'We' before 'Me' (:

I have never been happier working with the love of my life. Nothing beats the feeling of ease and familiarity of the person you adore so much amidst the stresses of work. Sometimes it can get a bit much - of seeing each other day-in-day-out 24/7, but that's just my hormones talking. In a way, working together keeps us grounded and pulls us closer because of the conscious effort of building our future together. Also, it may sound cheesy but stealing a glance or two keeps me going at work everyday too :P 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Korea Memorylogue, continued...

I'm really the Queen of Procrastinators. I'd love to cook up a credible excuse of being busy (which of course, I am), but a more legit one will be the unreliable Internet service we had in Bali. Believe me, I planned a whole lazy afternoon lounging by the pool side, sipping cocktail in my swimwear and updating my blog in bliss but NOOO... they had to only allow one device for internet access. I hate to disappoint but real work always gets priority. yikes. 

So here it is, blabbers very awesome continuation of the best of Korea! I say awesome because (you have to give credits to the amazing photos we took with our DSLR), nobody likes to see ugly, irrelevant pictures and more unnecessary content. At least if my words bore you, you might still scroll down for the pictures. lol. And by the way, did I remind you that I still can't get enough of Autumn?

Day 4 - Mount Sorak

If you have been on a guided tour or are planning to go, then this place is definitely part of the itinerary. I have been there like 3 times (including this), first in winter (so terribly cold I cannot fathom anything spectacular about the place), second time in Summer where we trekked up the mountains in Slippers (yes, me and friendsie somehow didn't get the memo that our fellow uni-mates are conquering mountains) but thank god we survived it (: And this time, in Autumn -  in all it's glorious beauty.

unlike the the first 2 times, we actually took a cable car up.

Oh, before I forget, was mentioning in my previous post that we encountered a SUPER WEIRD driver/guide. In case you're wondering why we needed one, firstly if you're not on a guided tour it is pretty difficult to get there. It takes at least 4 hours journey from Seoul to the destination and you need to change buses when you get there. So if you're going during peak periods (like we did) on your own, you're basically tossed. Cus' I assure you won't wanna battle for space in those sardine-packed buses with the ajumas because you will NEVER win. They are both immuned to pain and judgement, if you get what I mean. Secondly, I did some research and found this local day-tour company that does this kinda trips so we signed up for it with the help of the hotel. 

Little did we know that we were actually in for a nerve-wrecking experience....

To sum it up, the van reeks of a weird body odour, the tour guide was a middle-aged uncle who kept smiling coyly at us all the time, he TALKS to himself complete with weird hand gestures and the worst part - he nearly fell asleep en-route to the mountains. OMG max. Bad experience 101 for you. So if you ever plan to take day tours with this company called "SALLY TOURS",  you may wanna think twice. 

Anyways, so we finally reached the destination. This is Bee and daddie who humoured the 'tour guide' on a journey in search of this teeny-weeny water fall. He was sooooo disappointed when my mum, sis and I opted out after a long dreadful car ride and insisted it was beauuuutiful. Yeah, no thanks, you freaked us out too much we need to recover from it at a place without you (:  But thankfully for them, after trekking for almost an hour or so, they found the "legendary fall". We were so glad we stayed behind. 

I reckon the scenery along the way was far prettier than the waterfall. Look at those maple leaves painted in crimson! too pretty (:

Bee posing near the temple - his trademark, Gaze-afar look. haha...

Nope mummie and daddie isn't mimicking Bee, I sneaked a pic while they were posing for him (:

I can't bring em' home so I'm gonna snap em' up all up in photos! hee hee...

The emo-nemo supermodel in the making.
....and we arrive ON THE TOP! In one-piece, as a family! YAY.... 

Now we know why the ajummas push and shove their way up every weekend. For this! Have never been this close to a breathtaking view like this. No barricades, whatsoever! A stronger wind could have knocked you over the cliff and don't even think about bringing kids there..

Day 5 - Namsan Tower

Another tourist must-go place. It's easy to get there, just alight at Myeong Dong Station and take exit 3. Follow the signs and you'll be on your way (:

Selca with mummie & Ferts 

Kiasu Bee, Scared we cannot find....

We settled for a less conspicuous place in the end. haahaa... 

Mummie & Daddie had their fun too (: Was a pity Martinie didn't get to go cus of school, otherwise Ferts could have locked theirs here too. Oh well, in consolation, it's just another smart marketing gimmick that we willingly buy in the name of 'hope'...We know too well that love isn't gonna last forever and beyond just by connecting two 4dollar locks with words of love scribbled on it. right. 

Little girl says " I could sell them all for candies". (:
And so that's the end of our sight-seeing in Seoul... The rest was, of course, shopping - the favourite activity of all, across gender and ages. lol. Maybe the next post should be on what we lugged home? 

...As promised, the highly anticipated finale to this post....








THERE. Just what was our 'tour guide' doing with his hand in his buttocks?!