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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reflections 101

It was indeed a tumultuous month spent in PTP. My observations just about confirmed my beliefs and impressions. I'm just happy i wasn't wrong and most of all the projects completed reasonably well.

I know my reflection sounds ambiguous but i cannot be penning a whole month of chaos in here. Ask me (: and if i find you good company, i'll let you in about it.

Speaking of ambiguity, there's this theory that's been spinning on and off my mind for the past weeks. The Idea of  a "window opened; window closed" opportunity. Something inspired from Limsie --i know how ironic it is coming from her who hasn't exactly been in a r/p before but i gotta give it to her because it's too insightful and apt for me to ignore.

So, the theory goes; in order for a relationship to blossom, timing is very important. I think very superficially, the opportunity describes the status of a guy and a girl being both single, and that calls for a good opportunity to be together - the opposite applies.

I took it a bit further. It does not have to be limited to the availability. Sure everyone who's single has their windows opened, but if feelings don't's as good as nothing.

Taking it further, there's this 2 persons who are obviously attracted to each another but doesn't go beyond that for whatever reasons after some time. The one with the window opened is ready while the other, well, just has issues or simply is still not ready.

Major pity.

To cut the long story short, it's situations as such that makes you doubt yourself, inevitably. Having given deep thoughts about this, i guess it's nothing too sad about because ultimately no one's to say whether you're worthy or not because if you really are, someone's gonna see that someday and make you see that as well without hesitation or reservations.

If a second look isn't enough, then maybe it's never gonna be enough. So why the ambiguity?


  1. "Taking it further, there's this 2 persons who are obviously attracted to each another but doesn't go beyond that for whatever reasons after some time. The one with the window opened is ready while the other, well, just has issues or simply is still not ready."

    I like this and I feel for this.

    Wonder why it is so hard when it gets to a relationship. ANYWAY! we gotta meet. u noe we havent met up since u left, and btw, when u mentioned JY was over at the border, u made it sound like she was in north korea. hahahaha funny yet scary.



    We're sorta in the same boat. But hell, sister! We know we're better off :D

